Tuesday 28 February 2017

বাংলাদেশে ও বাংলাদেশী অনলাইন বিজনেসের ভবিষ্যৎ

পর্ব ১:
ব্লগ বিজনেস, ইউটিউব বিজনেস, ফ্রীলান্সিং বিজনেস ও সবশেষে বর্তমানে ই-কমার্স বিজনেস- বাংলাদেশে অনলাইন বিজনেসের এই কয়টি রূপের সাথে সকলেই পরিচিত। অতীত ইতিহাস (ব্লগ, ইউটিউব, ফ্রীলান্সিং) পর্যালোচনা করলে খুব স্পষ্ট যে, অনলাইন বিজনেসে বাংলাদেশ ভয়াবহ রকম দুর্দশাগ্রস্ত। ব্লগ আর ইউটিউব বিজনেস ডিগবাজি খেয়েছে আর ফ্রীলান্সিং এ সাকসেস রেট ০.০০১% এর চেয়েও কম। অথচ ব্যাঙের ছাতার মতো ইনস্টিটিউট আর ট্রেনিং সেন্টার গড়ে উঠেছিল। লক্ষ লক্ষ উৎসাহী জনতা হাজার হাজার টাকা খরচ করে ট্রেনিং নিয়ে ফ্রীলান্সিং পেশায় ঝাঁপিয়ে পড়লো, আর আজকে "অনলাইন ইনকাম" , "আউটসোর্সিং" এই শব্দগুলি শুনলে থুথু ফেলে।

এই সময়ের সহজ ও বিশাল লাভজনক অধ্যায়ের নাম "ই-কমার্স বিজনেস"। কোনো পড়াশুনা লাগে না, কোনো বড় অংকের টাকা লাগে না, কোনো প্ল্যান, পলিসি লাগে না, কোনো শপ লাগে না, অর্থাৎ একেবারে শূন্য হস্তে শুরু করে আমাজান আলিবাবা হওয়া যায় ! এই মুহূর্তে বাংলাদেশে এক হাজার ই কমার্স ওয়েবসাইট ও দশ হাজার ফেসবুক পেজ ভিত্তিক অনলাইন বিজনেস রমরমা গতিতে এগিয়ে চলছে (সংখ্যা তথ্যসূত্র: ই-ক্যাব গ্রূপ)। আগামী দিনগুলিতে আরো কয়েক লক্ষ পেজ ও ওয়েবসাইট হতে পারে, অতীতের পর্যবেক্ষণ থেকে তাই আশা করছি। তাহলে এই ই-কমার্স ঝড় (?) এর ভবিষ্যৎ কি ?
এ নিয়ে আমার আজকের আলোচনা।
আমি আজকে বিজনেস গ্রোথ নিয়ে আলোচনা করবো আর সাথে সাথে বাংলাদেশের এই অনলাইন বিজনেসগুলোর ভয়াবহ ফাঁকফোকর আর দেখাদেখি বিজনেসের ভয়াবহ পরিণতির বিষয়গুলো তুলে ধরবো।
যেকোনো বিজনেস তিনভাবে বড় ও প্রসারিত হয় :
১) কাস্টমার সংখ্যা বৃদ্ধির মাধ্যমে
২) মাথাপিছু কাস্টমার প্রতি এভারেজ ট্রানজেকশন বৃদ্ধির মাধ্যমে
৩) কাস্টমারদের রিপিট কেনাকাটা করানোর মাধ্যমে
শুধু বাংলাদেশে নয়, বিশ্বব্যাপী স্মল (এমনকি মাল্টি মিলিয়ন ইনভেস্ট ওয়ালাও ) বিজনেসগুলো মার্ খায় যে কারণগুলোতে তা হলো : বিজনেস মডেল তৈরিতে ব্যর্থতা, রেভেনিউ মডেল তৈরিতে ব্যর্থতা, প্রোডাক্ট অফার জনিত ব্যর্থতা কিংবা স্কেল ও মেজারমেন্ট জনিত ব্যর্থতা। কিন্তু কোনো অবস্থাতেই বিজনেসম্যানদের অভিযোগ "কাস্টমার নাই " , "কেউ প্রোডাক্ট কিনে না " "ট্রাফিক নাই " এই সব অজুহাত স্কলাররা স্বীকার করে না এবং এই ব্যাপারে যথাযথ প্রমান দেখিয়ে দেয়।
বিজনেস গ্রোথ মডেলের ৭ টি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ইলিমেন্ট:
১) মার্কেট রিসার্চ
২) ট্রাফিক সোর্স
৩) অফারিং লিড ম্যাগনেট
৪) অফারিং ফ্রীবি
৫) অফারিং কোর প্রোডাক্ট
৬) অফারিং প্রফিট অপটিমাইজার
৭) এস্টাবলিশিং রিটার্ন পাথ
গ্রোথ মডেল ১: মার্কেট রিসার্চ

বিস্তারিত জানতে ক্লিক করুন 

Thursday 23 February 2017

I am a serious marketer and I want to make it big. 5 Years down the line, I want to groom myself into one of the biggest guys in digital marketing a.k.a. 'The Wolf'. I restlessly 'çrawl' the web for intelligent marketing blogs and consume knowledge liberally. I do not mind sharing my learnings with people who respect time and money
Adjusting the perception and re-evaluating the importance of what Marketing brings to the Boardroom. Demonstrating the value of Marketing's contribution to an organisation that would enable Marketing to obtain a seat at the Boardroom table.
A business owner who is fully knowledgeable about his company, product or service and the detail analysis of its target niche audience, sets and plans his marketing strategies based on the uniqueness of its business offering and thinks outside the box. To do so he must be aware of the competition and niche market and never assume the product or service will sell for itself. Marketing is the heart of every business and keeps the health of the company in balance.
We need a revolution of good, truthful marketers. While every marketer says they have something to say, the public increasingly only wants to listen to the truthful ones. People are tired of the false claims and promises. Instead, we'd all rather listen to truthful statements from people we trust. These marketers are also some of the most connected people you'll ever meet. Not connected in terms of having large followings, but connected in that they are a people person among marketers. They really care about steering people in the right direction. The question then is not whether there is innovation, but rather which marketers should I listen to? Which ones are saying innovations that ring true? There is a famous marketer that once titled a book "all marketers are liars." He later recanted, and amended it to read that "all marketers tell stories." As we will explain, the first statement was probably a better start. But instead of how it was written, we would have worded it is "all marketers either tell the truth, or the opposite..
Many channel support programs on the market today really just involve providing free software, marketing collateral and sometimes low qualified leads. Few are really focused on helping partners to sell joint solutions effectively. Even fewer are focused on developing long-term co-marketing success with a demonstrable return on investment (ROI).
Everywhere we turn, everything we do is somehow connected to marketing, whether we have been induced to participate in some activity because of it or develop an interest in some idea as a result of it. Whether we realize it or not, there are personal, political or commercial agendas cloaked as news we read in the paper, behind the books, movies and music we experience as part of our culture, and within the confines of our stores and supermarkets where we shop. Marketing has become one of the most all-pervasive elements of life and we are fools if we do not question the validity or innocence of everything we read, see and hear.
In common parlance, a market is a place where trading takes place. Whenever we think about markets, a picture that flashes across our minds is of a place which is very busy, with buyers and sellers, some sellers, shouting at the top of their voice, trying to convince customers to buy their wares. A place abuzz with vibrancy and energy
Marketing. What is it? You hear the term used in a wide range of conversations: business, personal, and casu
Internet marketing are the same as traditional marketing, others are not. Here are seven things you need to know for your internet marketing to be successful. When you write SEO copy, you should take the time to find out what works and what doesn't. There are two mistakes almost every amateur search engine copywriter makes
Marketing to your target market is necessary for any business to succeed. Yet many businesses fail to create a complete marketing strategy to take full advantage of the various marketing outlets available for increased success.
Uniquely introducing "lean" techniques into the "top" line operations, processes, marketing resources (marketing equipment) and staff of a company will systematically eliminate waste and inefficiencies in all the marketing and sales or top line processes. Instead of bottom line cost savings, there are top line revenue increases which results in more profit or increased bottom line.
This paper is an overview of the four phases that make up the real estate market cycle. We will discuss effective investment strategies in each phase. In addition, we will highlight the benefits of investing in Emerging Markets and how to find them.

Thursday 16 February 2017

Knowing how to fish flats is a basic requirement in most lakes. Flats are preferred feeding areas most of the year, and this holds true from Florida to Minnesota, and points east and west
It is important to know how to use a flat iron the right way, otherwise you will not get the desired results. So learn from professionals and follow the tips to use your ceramic iron the right way.
I've always been a big fan of cruise ships as a means of angling travel. Though I do far more fly-in and lodge-based trips for pleasure or story assignments, I love the idea of throwing my bags in a cabin, heading out for the high seas, and letting other well-trained folks do the work for me. As an aside, I do know that many of my colleagues are anti-cruise ship, go-it-alone, wilderness junkies- but not me!
With the plethora of flat fee listing companies on the web offering to put your FSBO home in the MLS, sellers need to get educated about how the flat rate companies actually work. Learn what to avoid and what to look for in a flat fee MLS provider from the creator of the Florida Flat Fee Seller's Bill of Rights.
Tourmaline is a precious crystal that is ground down into a fine powder and then infused onto the ceramic plates of a flat iron. Tourmaline plates produce a far greater number of negative ions than do ceramic plates. Negative ions straighten your hair for far longer and give it a silkier, shinier look. So, if you're thinking of buying a flat iron you should only buy a flat iron with plates that have been plated with tourmaline. But which is the best tourmaline flat iron?
Both CHI and FHI flat irons remain a popular choice as hair straighteners. Both offer similar plate widths, flash heat for quick heat-up time and are lightweight. But is the CHI Farouk Turbo flat iron better than the FHI Heat Technique Professional flash iron or do FHI flat irons outperform CHI flat irons?
Deciding on what is the best flat iron for your hair isn't easy. Many desire straight, sleek and shiny hair that looks salon perfect. But to get that look, you need to put some thought into the subject and then do your research.
A flat foot can cause all kinds of excruciating problems...but it can also be just a normal part of your anatomy that never gives you an issue. Read more to find out exactly what it is, how to recognize it, and what to do about it.
Ever wonder how so-called flat rate HVAC and plumbing service companies charge? This article has been acclaimed as a definitive work on the subject of the smoke and mirrors that flat raters use to take advantage of customers.
Sedu and Solia flat irons are two of the most popular brands. They share many similar features, incorporate the latest technology and are top rated flat irons loved by consumers the world over. But are there any differences? And which is the best flat iron 
There have been man innovations in flat iron technology; ceramic plates, tourmaline plates and flash heating. The latest innovation is wet to dry flat irons. Wet to dry flat irons are becoming more and more popular because they avoid the need to first blow-dry your hair and produce straighter, shinier hair for those with particularly curly of difficult to manage hair
Using flat irons to create smooth, silky and straight hair is becoming more and more popular. But as the popularity of flat irons increases, so does their price. Conair fills the niche of a cheap flat iron for those who can't afford or don't want to pay the over-inflated prices of some brands. But does a cheap Conair flat iron really straighten hair
Celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Pamela Anderson and Jennifer Lopez have made straight hair fashionable. However, these beautiful women weren't born with perfectly straight, shiny hair.
Increasingly there is vast array of flat irons to choose from, so choosing the right flat iron is becoming more difficult. However, some brands of flat irons have better customer reviews than others and stand out from the crowd. One such flat iron is the Corioliss: it is one of the best flat irons on the market and is used by women and professionals the world over.
CHI flat irons are a very popular choice of hair straightener. The Farouk CHI flat iron was the first to have ceramic plates, making it a best seller. But are today's CHI flat irons any good or have they been eclipsed by other brands of flat iron?
Many complain that their flat iron doesn't really straighten their hair, and if it does, their hair doesn't stay straight. One or two manufacturers now produce steam flat irons. Maxiglide make a steam flat iron that is one of the best.
Flat Organizations have been the "In" thing to happen in many new economy companies for over a decade now. Today most companies "new economy" or the "old economy" like to describe their organization has flat. While this article is not useful to anybody looking information on "Flat" as an organization concept.

The Padma Bridge is a multipurpose road-rail bridge across the Padma River to be constructed in Bangladesh. It will connect LouhajongMunshiganj to Shariatpur and Madaripur, linking the south-west of the country, to northern and eastern regions. Padma Bridge is the most challenging construction project in the history of Bangladesh. The two-level steel truss bridge will carry a four-lane highway on the upper level and a single track railway on a lower level.[1] With 150 m span, 6150 m total length and 18.10 m width it is going to be the largest bridge in the Padma-Brahmaputra-Meghna river basins of country in terms of both span and the total length.[2]

The project covers three districts —Munshiganj (Mawa Point/North bank), Shariatpur and Madaripur (Janjira/South bank). The total area of land to be acquired and required for its components is 918 hectares. The requisition of land for the construction yard will be for six years on a rental basis. As per the new design, an additional 144.04 ha has been identified for acquisition, bringing the total to 1062.14 hectares. This additional land is required because project site lost significant land due to erosion, for transition structures and due to a change in railway alignment.

Wednesday 15 February 2017

One of the most common questions landlords often ask of us is "I can't find tenants - please can you help me rent my property?" or "what do we need to do to rent my property quickly?". Often we are shown the property of landlords who are struggling to find tenants, yet on many occasions we can tell within minutes of walking through the door, why they have had little interest. Usually with just a little bit of work, these properties can be made more rentable, without having to commit a large budget.

When looking at a commercial property of any type you need to spend time on the financial aspects of the property before you form an opinion about the price that you think that you can achieve. The financial aspects of the property can have a major impact on the price and or the interest of purchasers. The financial aspects of a building or a property can impact the asset for many years and for this reason must be analysed and identified.